Rapidan Inbound
Hi, I'm John Beveridge, the Managing Principal of Rapidan Inbound. I've spent over 30 years working in the professional services sector in employee benefit consulting and as a marketing agency manager. I know the challenges of professional services business development - I've been responsible for producing revenue for over 30 years.
As a professional services executive, you are responsible for much more than sales. Most of us are responsible for managing client relationships, managing service teams as well as the administrative tasks necessary to run a business.
We specialize in helping professional services firms develop strategies that focus business development time and resources on high percentage opportunities. We develop processes to execute these strategies that leverage technology to automate processes and help you efficiently carry out the necessary actions to produce revenue.
I get satisfaction from helping SMB business owners compete with the big guys. If you'd like to talk about how you can sell more, please schedule a consultation with me.
Many people ask where we get the name Rapidan Inbound. We've spent most of our lives working in the northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC (and still do.) Our hearts are in the Shenandoah Mountains of Virginia, where we also spend time. The Rapidan River is a well-renowned brook trout stream in the Shenandoah National Park and is the source of our company name.
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